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letzte Änderung 09.12.2010


Although this site is just in German the following pages are also interesting for you preferring to read in English:

Market prices for Cognac in Euro gives you an orientation about the price you have to expect for your favourite cognac. You can also use the database query at the end of this page.

Literature gives you an overview on books about cognac

Scientific articles about cognac gives you references to look up the articles on your own. Nearly all of them are in English.

Links gives you some references to English sites.

An Excel-Sheet for your tasting notes with short way of proceeding. Ready to be printed.

To help you getting an idea of what each page deals with, try Google-Site-Translation. Aussi disponible en français .

There is are some good reasons why this page is just in German:

  • The market observation is just done for Germany, because I just buy there myself, besides it would be a lot of work to review the world market.
  • By using German I can reach nearly everyone that could have an advantage from my market review.
  • it is easier for me ;-)

On the other hand I am still interested in exceptional cognac-shops outside Germany. So if you know one just write me an email with the adress! Thank you!

The price database (last change: 13.01.2007) can be queried by the input fields below.

Search the price database:
Every entry you make in the following fields is going to be found anywhere in the string. If you just press “Start search” without writing anything into the fields, all available data is shown (>350kB). All prices in euro.
Age indication is given without dots, e.g. VSOP and not V.S.O.P.

Hersteller (producer):
Produkt (product):
Anbieter (seller):
Preis (price EURO):
Aktualisiert (updated):
[Startseite] [Neuigkeiten] [Allgemeines zu Cognac] [Bewertung & Qualität] [Hersteller] [Preise & Bezugsquellen] [Links] [Literatur] [Forum] [Glossar] [english] [Suche] [Presse] [Kontakt] [Impressum]

Alle innerhalb dieser Website genannten und ggf. durch Dritte geschützten Marken- und Warenzeichen unterliegen uneingeschränkt den Bestimmungen des jeweils gültigen Kennzeichenrechts und den Besitzrechten der jeweiligen eingetragenen Eigentümer.